creative director / AD / photographer

Saving Minneapolis

“Local Agency Saves Minneapolis”

“What are you guys going to do with this?” we asked. “Take it to the dump.”

When we saw the construction workers taking down the signage of the Historic Hotel Minneapolis, we were compelled to make something of the incredible typography from the landmark hotel.

Three and a half hours later, with bloodied knuckles, piles of screws and shredded aluminum, we began breathing life back to this beautiful old signage.

The salvaged type, pampered and restored, now hangs in the offices of BBDO MPLS proudly. But, the story doesn’t end there…

While checking the daily design blogs, one of BBDO’s creatives stumbled upon the name of a Designer who crafted some original typography for “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg’s Presidential Campaign. As it turns out, Designer J. Zachary Keenan was not only one of the people behind the mayor’s impressive identity, he was behind the Hotel Minneapolis’s brand as well.

We brought Zach up to the office space for a bit of conversation and a walk down memory lane.

“It’s so cool that you guys called me, since I still call Minneapolis home, it’s one of those projects that has always been a part of my life in some regard,” Zach said. “it’s one of the first things I’d done, just two years out of school, so it means a lot.”

It means a lot to us too Zach.
